BS 7870-5 Standard (Aerial Bunched) Overhead ABC Cable

BS Standard ABCCable

Technical Data Of Aerial Bundled Overhead ABC Cable

Rated voltage kV 0.6/1
Test voltage Veff kV 4
Laying temperature °C min. -20
Operating temperature °C -30 ~ +80
Conductor temperature °C max. +80
Short-circuit temperature °C/s max. +130 /5
Bending radius (min.) 18 × o of cable

Single Core ABC Cable

2 Core ABC Cable

3 Core ABC Cable

4 Core ABC Cable

Construction of Aerial Bunched Cable

Conductor (for either phase, neutral or street lighting) The conductors shall be of aluminium 1350 wires and are compacted circular stranded(RM).
Insulation XLPE. 1, 2 and 3 raised longitudinal ribs on the surface of the cores. The surface of the neutral core should have at least 12 ribs for cross-sections up to 50 mm^2 and a minimum of 16 ribs for cores above 50 mm^2. In the case of five core bundles the surface of the protective core should be smooth.
Assembly 2 up to 4 cores of equal cross section are stranded together in left-hand lay, additionally 1 or 2 cores of reduced cross section can be co-stranded.
ABC Cable -BS 7870-5 Standard
number of cores x nominal cross sectionmax. conductor- resistancemin. breaking load of conductor strandCurrent rating in the airOuter diameterTotal weight
1x 16 RM1,9102,5728074
1x 25 RM1,2004,010790106
1x 35 RM0,8685,5132105138
1x 50 RM0,6418,0165118182
1x 70 RM0,44310,7205130252
1x 95 RM0,32013,7240154333
1x 120 RM0,25318,6290170408
1x 150 RM0,20623,2334190502
1x 185 RM0,16428,7389210611
1x 240 RM0,12537,2467240801
2x 16 RM1,9102,572156147
2x 25 RM1,2004,0107180208
2x 35 RM0,8685,5132200277
2x 50 RM0,6418,0165235361
2x 70 RM0,44310,7205254505
2x 95 RM0,32013,7240303666
2x 150 RM0,20623,23343801004
4x 16 RM1,9102,572188286
4x 25 RM1,2004,0107212430
4x 35 RM0,8685,5132241553
4x 50 RM0,6418,0165278746
4x 70 RM0,44310,72053181009
4x 95 RM0,32013,72403781332
4x 120 RM0,25318,62905441632
4x 50 + 1x 25 RM0,641/1,2008,0/4,0165/107319814
4x 50 + 1x 35 RM0,641/0,8688,5/5,5165/132319845
4x 70 + 1x 25 RM0,443/1,20010,7/4,0205/1073601105
4x 70 + 2x 25 RM0,443/1,20010,7/4,0205/1074001217
4x 95 + 1x 25 RM0,320/1,20013,7/4,0240/1074181438
4x 95 + 2x 25 RM0,320/1,20013,7/4,0240/1074201544
4x120 + 1x 25 RM0,253/1,20018,6/4,0290/1075902050


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